Free Graphology Signature Analysis Course with Certificate – Enroll Now!

Do you know you can find a lot about someone’s personality by just looking at their signature? Well you can do that and the science behind it is known as Graphology Signature Analysis. Now since it’s a new topic people first want to learn something for free before investing. For that I have created a Free Graphology Signature Analysis Course which also includes a Certificate. In this blog I will be giving you details about it!


Today’s Agenda:

1] What is this Free Graphology Signature Analysis Course about?

2] Which topics are you going to learn?

3] Is this course right for you?

4] What will you receive after completing the course?

5] What’s next?

1] What is this Free Graphology Signature Analysis Course about?

In case you are new, Graphology Signature Analysis is the science of finding public personality by looking at signature. So you can get to know how one want to be seen by others, you can also find if one is not showing their true self or faking their personality.

This free Signature Analysis course will help you learn the fundamentals needed to start doing basic Signature Analysis. So after completing this course you will be able to shock, impress other people by revealing many things about them. You will also be able to understand yourself in a deeper manner!

Some More Details:

Duration: 2hr 26 minutes

Certificate: Yes

Access: App/Website

Doubts: Discussion Group

Videos: Pre-recorded

2] Which topics are you going to learn?

In this course I have tried my best to include as many topics as possible for a free course as normally you would see 2hr paid courses yet here this 2hr course is free so you are definitely going to learn a lot.

You are going to learn:

1] Signature Analysis Basics: What can signature reveal about you? What is Graphology? How does it work? You will get the idea about Graphology as a whole!

2] Underlines: There are some people who like being recognized by others, while there are some who don’t feel the need to impress others. Also, there are people who have set of values and standards for life and there are some who don’t have any values, standards. We are going to study different types of underlines from one underline to multiple to zigzag to others.

3] Names: Who do you give more priority? Yourself or family, or are you someone who give equal priority to both? Well after learning the concepts present in this section you will be able to find this. Now just like underlines, names have different types like first name, last name, full name, Half first name etc.

4] Legibility: Are you an open-minded person or a reserved person, or a mix of both? Well, by just looking at a signature, you can instantly know how much a stranger is going to open up or talk. Very easy to find!

5] Direction: Now some writers like being in front while some writers like working behind the scenes as they don’t want much attention. You can find about this as well, which is very interesting since you will be able to know if a one is suitable for a particular job or work.

6] Negative Signatures: This universe works in balance, so nothing is fully perfect, yet there are some signature types which are completely negative or bad. In this section, I will tell about such signatures. Suicide signature, red flag sign, Ego Sign and many others are explained!

7] Advanced Concepts: Like I said before that you can even find if someone is showing their true self or is faking their personality via Graphology. Here, you will learn how to compare Handwriting and Signature to find if someone is faking their personality and if they are, then which aspects are they faking!

3] Is This Course Right For You?

Now if you’re reading this blog then most likely you have already decided to enroll in the course yet still I am mentioning some benefits of completing this course. And yes, you don’t need to have any before knowledge!

1. Self-Development Enthusiasts: If right now you are in the journey of understanding yourself then this course will help you a lot since you will get to know where you need to improve. What are your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Psychologist/Counselor: Verbally one can lie or hide what they are truly feeling yet in handwriting, signature nothing can be hidden. You will be able to understand your clients in a deeper manner!

3. Teachers, Parents: Many of my students are either teachers or parents, as both want to understand their students/children in order to help them grow. By studying signature you will be able to know where a child can excel in, and some children can work very good on stage while some work best behind the scene.

4. Astrologers/Couple Compatibility: By comparing two signatures, you can instantly know the similarities and differences between two people. This can help a couple know where they should adjust. For e.g.- A Girl may be someone who is more open-minded while a boy could be having a reserved personality etc.

4] What Will You Receive After Completing The Course?

Well you are going to receive the knowledge of finding personality by just looking at signature in this Free Graphology Signature Analysis Course yet you are also going to get the Certificate of completion once you complete the course!

Free online graphology signature analysis course with certificate

5] What's Next?

If you want to learn complete Graphology Signature then you can enroll in the complete course or get the signature analysis book. I also a have a Free course on Handwriting analysis as well!

1] Enroll In Free Online Graphology Signature Analysis Course With Certificate: Enroll Now!

2] Complete Graphology Signature Analysis Certification Course: Details

3] Graphology Books: Check Now

4] Details About Free Graphology Handwriting Analysis Online Course With Certificate: Click Here

Thank You For Reading!

Passionately Written By

— Akhilesh Bhagwat, Founder & Graphology Expert, Graphologymadesimple

Keep Learning! Keep Growing!

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