Signature is something you often see many times as we tend to sign a lot be it in attendance sheet, docs, contracts, etc. yet each signature says something interesting about you, your spouse, family, friends. Today we will be learning about it in this Graphologymadesimple blog. Let’s begin!
Today’s Agenda:
1. What is signature analysis? What can signature reveal about you?
2. Why sign reveals public personality?
3. Different types of elements in signature
4. Suicide Signature
5. Online Certification Course On Signature Analysis
1] What is signature analysis? What can signature reveal about you?
Signature analysis is a method or art of finding someone’s public personality by just looking at their signature. Public personality is the personality which the writer wants others to see him/her as, in other words, the outer personality.
Each element reveals something, by just signature you can find how much close a person feels with family or how much confidence they have in social life. Confidence levels, optimism, sadness, depression can also be found out, what name you are writing can reveal if you are a family oriented person or independent type or balanced one. Legible, illegible can help us know if someone is reserved or open to talk, which can help us understand a person in a deeper level.
Now, since signature is more easily found than handwriting, you can use the sign analysis to make judgement about the person even before speaking to them. For e.g.- If a person is having illegible sign then you know they are reserved type so they may not open up if you try to talk with them about personal things. In an interview, the interviewer can easily know what type of person is sitting in front of them by just looking at their sign.
Also, the best thing is being able to find if a person is showing their true personality in front of others or is just faking their personality. Some people in front of people act different and in reality are different, for finding this you will need handwriting + signature.
2] Why sign reveals public personality?
Now real expression is when you are able to express your emotions through words like “I love cakes, cookies” yet in signature what you can only find names like “Akhilesh”, “Shahrukh”, “A. Einstein” there are no emotions, right? No one writes “love”, “sad” in their signature.
In simple words, sign doesn’t reveal writer’s true emotions, feelings for someone, something it only reveals names or stuff about writer the reason it only reveals the outer public personality
3] Different types of elements in signature
Now compared to handwriting analysis, signature analysis have less core concepts if we eliminate letter traits, you can learn sign analysis faster.
Here are some core elements in signature:
1} Names – What name you are writing says a lot about who you give priority most, self or others.
2} Underlines – Here number of underlines too matters, single underline shows someone who follow a set of principle.
3} Dots – Many people have 1 dot or 2 dots below a sign, some even have dot after sign and each dot says something interesting
4} Size – The size of sign can help reveal your social confidence, ideally sign size should be little bigger than handwriting
5} Direction – Is your sign going in upward direction or is it straight or downward? Direction is something easily to look at
6} Slant – Rightward sign or leftward sign? Emotional or logical
7} Placement – Where you sign matters too if left side then you think about past, if right then you are future oriented
8} Pressure – Find Energy levels
9} Legible/illegible – As explained earlier, open-minded or reserved
10} Speed – Do you sign faster? Or Slower? Nervous or confident
11} Spacing – How much close are you with your family?
4] Suicide Signature
Never cut your name in signature, it shows the writer hate themselves, you can find this type of signature in many suicide notes. As normally too, whenever we feel stressed or frustrated we tend to write in a more messy way right?
5] Online Certification Course On Signature Analysis
If you want to learn complete signature analysis then don’t worry, we got you covered as we have created a 11hr huge complete signature analysis online certification course.
Some More Features:
- Get lifetime access to the course once enrolled
- Complete it at your own time
- Available on mobile as well as laptop, tablet
- No need to do any other signature analysis course
Direct Course Link: Click Here
If you have any doubts or questions then you can ask it below in comment section, your feedbacks help us improve!
— Akhilesh Bhagwat, Graphology Expert And Founder, Graphologymadesimple
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